
Sunday, November 23, 2014

Seed to Supper

My wonderful agent, Grace, has succeeded in selling another book. My third sale of 2014 is Seed to Supper, which will be published by HCI. My new publisher is best known for the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series, which has sold millions of copies worldwide. I am exicted to be working with such a successful nonfiction publisher.

Seed to Supper will include both growing instructions and recipes for about 40 varieties of garden vegetables, herbs and small fruits. The book is organized according to the amount of growing space required to produce a reasonable quantity of each crop. Thus, we begin with herbs and greens that can be grown in a sunny window or under lights, and progress to outdoor containers, raised beds, and finally edible landscapes. The book will feature over 100 recipes for every course from appetizers to desserts, along with instructions for preserving seasonal flavors in pickles, jams, jellies and other products.

If you are interested in testing one or more recipes, please indicate your interest in the Comments section below. Everyone who tests three recipes will receive an autographed copy of the book. Everyone who tests at least one recipe will be mentioned in the Acknowledgements section of the book. I am presently compiling the final recipe list, and will send everyone who expresses interest an email with testing guidelines and the list of recipes from which you can select. First come, first served.

Recipe testers will be doing every reader of Seed to Supper a huge service. Although I try my best to present clear instructions for every recipe, only in practice can we be sure anyone who tries to make the dish with succeed.

Please let me know ASAP of your interest, and thanks!

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